Have you heard of invisible aligners and aren’t sure if they are right for you?

When it comes to Invisalign Dublin, our team at Dublin 18 Dental Rooms knows a fair bit about this aligner and has helped many people straighten their smiles using it. But is it as effective as a standard brace?
Here, we compare Invisalign Dublin to standard braces to help you assess which one may be right for you. Enjoy!
Treatment time
When you wear a metal brace as an adult, you may need to wear it for up to 3 years depending on the severity of the misalignment that you have.
With Invisalign Dublin, there is an average treatment time of around 3-6 months but, once again, this depends on the severity of the issue. And, while our team will ultimately decide which type of orthodontic tool is suited for you, the invisible option is certainly faster at correcting crooked teeth.
So, invisible aligners win this round.
Invisible aligners are indeed designed to offer superior comfort. However, many patients who have used both braces state that they are both somewhat tough to wear.
Braces tend to cause discomfort initially and after each tightening, but aligners can also cause pressure-related soreness after you switch between them. And, as comfort is very individualised and there is no way to move your teeth without some kind of soreness, for this round, we cannot pick a winner!
Invisible aligners have that name for a reason.
They are made from clear plastic and use their customised fit to slot over the teeth. Braces are composed of typically metal components, such as a wire and brackets, which are attached to your teeth with dental cement.
One of the key reasons why invisible aligners are so popular is due to their superior discretion and so, for this round, invisible aligners take the gold!
Invisible aligners are better at correcting minor and moderate issues with your teeth, especially if those issues revolve around the front teeth.
But, for decades, general braces have been used to correct everything from simple misalignments to more complex cases with success each time. So, for this round, we give the ribbon to the standard brace.
When it comes to wearing fitted braces, you will probably need to visit a hygienist a few times to ensure that your teeth and gums remain healthy.
And, while there are certain foods that you should avoid while undertaking a brace, you are also tasked with cleaning your braces after each meal. With an invisible aligner, you also have to clean your teeth after each meal but, generally, hygiene is easier. You can remove the aligner to brush your teeth and so, there is a lower chance of you developing cavities or gum issues.
So, for this round, aligners win!
If you are interested in straightening your teeth, please contact our dental team at Dublin 18 Dental Rooms and we will assess which orthodontic tool is right for you.