For many adults who have misaligned teeth, it can seem like a dream come true; a straightforward way to realign their smile using an invisible aligner.

Usually made from plastic and moulded to your unique dental imprint, invisible aligners gradually move your teeth over around 3 to 6 months and usually come in a set of around 12 to 14. Because of the sleek design and the fact that they do not require tightening or adjusting, many people prefer invisible aligners to traditional braces.
When you come to see our team at Dublin 18 Dental Rooms, we will be happy to discuss your suitability for invisible aligners like Invisalign Dublin. Our team has extensive knowledge of this aligner and can provide you with the best advice; whether it is appropriate for you and if it will get you the straighter smile that you deserve.
But how can you ensure that Invisalign Dublin works as it is supposed to for you?
Keep track of timing
As Invisalign Dublin is removable, you will need to ensure that you keep the aligner in for the required period each day; this should be around 22 hours or as prescribed by our team. This will ensure that the aligners have enough contact time with the teeth to move them. You will have to wear these aligners to bed at night, but don’t worry. They’re extremely comfortable and will not disturb your sleep.
Stay in touch with our team
Although aligners do not require tightening or adjusting, you will still need to stay in touch with our team so we can ensure that the treatment is working. To do this all you need to have is your smartphone and the downloaded associated app with this aligner. You will need to send our team photos of your smile at least once a week so we can see whether or not the treatment is working as planned.
Keep the aligners safe!
When you pick up your aligners from our team, you will be given a carry case which is made from hard plastic. Be sure that when the aligners are not in your mouth that they are placed into this carry case to keep them safe. Do not put your aligners into a coat pocket or a bag as this can cause them to become damaged or even broken.
Brush your teeth
During your treatment with invisible aligners, you will need to carry a miniature toothbrush with you. As mentioned before, you will need to remove the aligners when you are eating food and before you put the aligners back into your mouth you will need to brush your teeth. This will prevent food and debris from being pressed against your teeth and gums which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.
Order replacements
What should you do if one of your aligners becomes damaged or goes missing? You will need to order a replacement and our team will aim to get this out to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, be sure to wear the previous aligner in the sequence and do not skip any of the aligners, as this can cause issues with the process overall.