Tag: teeth in a day

Cerec Crowns While You Wait For Patients Near Ballsbridge

If you thought you had to wait 2 weeks for a new crown, think again! At Dublin18 Dental Care we have Cerec technology and can offer same-day crowns, saving you time and money.

We are one of few dental practices in Ireland to offer Cerec technology. Cerec allows us to design, fabricate and fit new, bespoke restorations on the same day, meaning that you do not need to worry about making multiple dental visits or wearing a temporary crown.

How does Cerec work?

Cerec technology is amazing! It enables us to eliminate the process of waiting for new restorations and speeds up the treatment process. Cerec technology uses computer software to generate sophisticated 3D images of the mouth, which are used to design the new crown; the instructions are then sent to the milling site and the new restoration is manufactured. It can then be fitted straight away, reducing treatment time by up to 2 weeks.

Cerec is beneficial for patients and dentists; dentists have greater control of the design process and the process is more accurate and patients get the treatment they need very quickly without the need for repeat sessions, temporary restorations or multiple injections.

What else can Cerec do?

Cerec can produce a range of bespoke restorations, including crowns, onlays, inlays and veneers. All the restorations we produce are made from the highest quality materials for durability and excellent aesthetics and they are all custom-made for the individual patient. For more information about our Cerec technology please contact the team at Dublin18 Dental Care near Ballsbridge.


Cerec Crowns For Patients Near Dalkley

Accidents can happen when you least expect it, but if you have a broken tooth, do not panic because at Dublin18 Dental Care we provide high quality, same-day crowns. We are one of just 16 dental practices in the whole of Ireland to use the amazing Cerec system, which enables us to produce bespoke crowns and other types of restoration on-site.

About Cerec

Cerec is an amazing form of technology, which enables us to design, make and fit bespoke crowns, inlays, veneers and onlays on the same day. Usually, patients have to wear temporary restorations for around 2 weeks while their permanent restoration is manufactured at a dental laboratory, but we are able to do everything on the same day. Cerec technology uses sophisticated imaging software to convert digital images into 3D models of the teeth. The images are sent to the milling machine and the restorations are manufactured; they are then ready to be fitted.

Cerec has a host of benefits for dentists and patients; the restorations are ready on the same day, there is no need for multiple dental visits or temporary restorations and the results of treatment are visible straight away.

Why would I need a dental crown?

Crowns are a type of restoration, which are used to strengthen the teeth. They help to prevent further damage to the tooth and make it stronger, so that you can eat and bite down on things without any problems. You may need a crown if your tooth is weak as a result of a large cavity or a large filling or damaged as a result of an accident, sports injury or trauma; crowns may also be placed after root canal treatment.

The procedure to fit a crown takes place in 2 stages; first, the tooth must be prepared, which involves removing any damaged or decayed tissue and cleaning the tooth thoroughly. When the tooth is ready, your dentist will take images of your tooth and then Cerec technology will be used to manufacture your bespoke crown; once the crown is ready, your dentist will fit it and check that you are happy with your new crown.

For more information on our Cerec technology please contact the team at Dublin18 Dental care near Dalkley.