Tag: Dental bridge

What Are The Different Types Of Bridges Available For Patients Near Dundrum?

A lot of people don’t like puns; one possible reason for this being that they expose the instability of language, how we aren’t quite as in control of communication as we might think. When writing an article on bridges, the temptation to pun to is almost irresistible. Given how stable dental bridges are, however, I feel exploiting the unstable nature of speech may be a little inappropriate…

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is essentially a way of replacing a missing tooth; they consist of a false tooth which is anchored on to the surrounding teeth. It is called a bridge as, much like a transportational bridge will cross a gap in land, it crosses over and covers the gap in your teeth!

Why would I want to replace a tooth?

Your appearance might be one reason. It isn’t  however, the only reason: Tooth loss can affect the way you talk, eat and even the way your face is shaped! It can also increase the risk of you getting gum disease.

Types of bridges

At Dublin18 Dental Care near Dundrum, we specialise in two types of dental bridge: The conventional fixed bridge and the Maryland bridge. Which bridge is best suited for you is mostly determined by the size of your gap and the condition of your surrounding teeth.

The conventional fixed bridge

The conventional fixed bridge is the most common of the bridges and its popularity is mostly the result of its versatility. They are custom made to fit your mouth and teeth, so will blend in perfectly. They are, however, attached to the surrounding teeth by two crowns, which will require the surrounding healthy teeth to shaved slightly.

The Maryland bridge

Maryland bridges operate in a similar way to fixed bridges; they key difference being that these bridges do not use crowns to attach to the teeth adjacent to your gap. This means that no healthy teeth need be affected! The main drawback, however, is that these bridges can, subsequently, only be used in areas of low pressure in the mouth.

Want to talk bridges?

Then call us at Dublin18 Dental Care.



Missing Teeth Treatment For Patients Near Dublin18

The teeth are durable and made of strong stuff, but even the most careful people can experience accidents which cause them to lose teeth. Teeth are lost all the time, whether it be through sporting activities, accidents or injuries or as a result of gum disease or medical treatment for an underlying health condition, but thankfully, there is a range of treatments available for missing teeth.

Why is it important to replace missing teeth?

If you have a missing tooth or a number of missing teeth this can have implications for the look of your smile, as well as the function of your mouth, so it is always beneficial to replace missing teeth. Gaps in the smile affect your overall appearance and this can cause you to suffer from low confidence and embarrassment when you smile in public; spaces also increase the risk of oral diseases and encourage the neighbouring teeth to move, which may have negative implications for your bite.

If you are missing teeth, you may also find it difficult to chew properly and your speech may be affected. The teeth are also responsible for supporting the cheeks and lips and you may find that your cheeks start to sag slightly if you have a number of missing teeth.

What are the options?

There are many options for replacing missing teeth. The best long-term solution for a missing tooth is a dental implant, which is designed to replace the root section of the missing tooth. The implant is screwed into a socket in the jaw bone and once it has healed, either a dental bridge or crown can be attached to it, then the tooth will look exactly the same as a natural tooth.

Dental implants are expensive and for those who are looking for a less costly solution, a dental bridge may be the answer. Dental bridges comprise a false tooth, known as a pontic, which is used to the neighbouring teeth to fill a gap. If they are well looked-after, dental bridges can last for several years.

Dentures are a very effective solution for missing teeth, especially if you have a large number of teeth missing. Dentures are sets of false teeth, which are designed to look like natural teeth. Dentures restore function to the mouth, enabling you to eat and speak normally and they also create an attractive smile, so you can feel confident when you open your mouth.

If you have missing teeth and would like to discuss treatment options please contact us at Dublin18 Dental Care near Dublin18 for more information.

The Importance of Dental Bridges from Dublin18 Dental Care for People from Deansgrange

Having a dental bridge fitted is a common procedure and is one of the most effective ways of dealing with missing teeth. The natural teeth either side of the gap are used to anchor the false tooth in place, which helps to create a completely natural smile that no-one would ever know has been created thanks to the wonders of dentistry! Bridges can either be permanent, in which case they are cemented to the natural teeth, or removable, and both can be fitted in just a couple of appointments at Dublin18 Dental Care near Deansgrange.

But why is it so important to have a false tooth securely fitted wherever there is a gap in our smiles? Aside from the fact that gaps, even at the back, look ugly and can really affect a person’s self confidence, gaps can also affect the teeth that remain around them, as well as the general oral health of the patient. Even those who have decided to get a bridge fitted do not realise this, as they have often made the decision to undergo the treatment for what they see as purely cosmetic reasons.

Our mouths were designed to boast a full set of teeth, and each tooth has their own job to do when it comes to eating, chewing and even speaking. If one tooth is missing that dynamic is destroyed and some teeth have to take on jobs they were not designed to do, putting them under unexpected stress.

Missing teeth also means that your whole mouth and jaw area are not getting the full support they need, something which is especially important with the back teeth. Many people who are missing teeth right at the back of their mouth decide that they don’t need a bridge, but over time these empty spaces can cause cheeks to appear sunken and the appearance of dreaded wrinkles.

Finally, an empty area of gum where a tooth used to be is much more at risk of infection, which can cause gum disease. Gum disease has now also been linked to other more serious conditions affecting the heart and respiratory systems. The decision to get a dental bridge to complete your smile is therefore not a vain one and could be a move that could end up saving your life!