Do you have a friend who has been praising their experience with Invisalign Dublin? Perhaps a member of your family has recently undergone this form of treatment to straighten their teeth and keeps mentioning it to you. It could be that you have heard the name Invisalign and would like to know more about what it is, how it works and who it is for. If any of these things resonate with you then you are in the right place.

Here at Dublin 18 Dental Rooms we are thrilled to offer Invisalign clear aligners as a possible form of treatment for our patients.
Importantly, we must note that Invisalign may not be the most appropriate treatment for every patient, as this is heavily reliant on each person’s individual needs. Of course, we would be very happy to talk this through with you and book you in for an appointment at which a full examination and discussion about your needs could take place. Our experienced dentist would then be able to advise you on the most suitable treatment for your unique needs, and (where options are available) discuss your preferences, helping you to make an informed choice about your way forward.
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a popular brand of clear dental aligners. The Invisalign Dublin system of straightening teeth utilises several aligners which are worn consecutively. They are made from SmartTrack technology and tailor made for each patient to achieve the most comfortable possible fit. This material is flexible and also trimmable which allows for this snug and secure yet comfortable fit, as they are moulded specifically to the shape and position of your teeth. On average, it takes between 6 and 24 months to complete an Invisalign plan. This, of course, is dependent upon the needs of the individual.
What does the Invisalign process look like?
Here at Dublin 18 Dental Rooms you can expect to be seen for a consultation at which we will perform a detailed examination of your teeth and mouth. We may also discuss any relevant history, either medical or dental, which might inform what the process of Invisalign Dublin includes for you. We will take a ceph X-ray and OPG along with dental impressions and a digital scan of your teeth. All of these are tools which can be used in the personalised creation of your transparent aligners.
Invisalign patients can then expect a return to our dentist when the aligners have been made. Our dentist would check the fit of these and make sure you have the aligners you need, and instructions about how to correctly use them. This differs from patient to patient, but will include how long you should wear each aligner for (normally a couple of weeks) before changing to the next aligner in your care plan. It is important to ensure that you wear your aligner for the recommended hours per day, but it is removable for eating and cleaning purposes. When treatment is finished it is important to keep up with using your aligner in order to maintain the final position of your teeth, discouraging movement back to their original position.
For further information about Invisalign aligners, or how we can help to meet your other dental needs, we would be thrilled to discuss this with you over the phone or in person.