Category: oral health

Uh Oh ! Here comes Halloween

Where am I to start? Well, for most of you out there who don’t know me, I’m Padma, a dentist from India and the Practice Manager in Dublin 18 Dental Rooms. I am a mother of one brilliant and hyperactive boy, a full time job by itself, keeping him occupied and entertained. I can hear all you mums out there saying, “We know how you feel!”
I wanted to write a blog about our kids and dental health. Wait!! ..Don’t close the page yet!! It won’t be too scientific. When I was thinking of writing something, the topic that first came to mind was “Sugar Taxes for 2018”. Topics like this are always controversial, debatable and sensitive. So let’s leave the tax aside and just talk about sugars.

As you know sugar and tooth decay go hand in hand. As a mother, we always care for our children. We care for their health, wellbeing and future. We teach them what is good or bad. We show them a path and we guide them. At the same time we are notorious for pampering them and spoiling them. It’s easy to allow too many sugars when they ask, because we can’t see those cute little faces becoming dull and upset, but we should try to change and control the type of food that we and our family eat!! So let’s learn more about it.
Sugar is one of the most important dietary issues that we should keep an eye on. Sugar has been in the media spotlight quite a bit in recent times because of the growing obesity epidemic. I won’t try to echo that message here. What I want to highlight is the significance to the health of our teeth. Tooth decay is caused when you mix sugar and plaque bacteria. All sugars ….. (Sucrose in sweets …. Fructose in fruit …. Lactose in milk ….. Maltose in starch…) Can be a problem. So what can we do???

Firstly ….. Know that not all sugars are created equal! But more on that later.

As far as teeth are concerned, it’s not that important what quantity of sugar that our kids eat, it is all about the frequency of intake. Reducing sugar in the cereal from 2 spoonful’s to one spoonful will not help. Restricting little John to a ½ glass of a fizzy drink instead of the usual full glass will not help. Having the willpower to stop after 1 or 2 squares of dairy milk chocolate will not help!
You see, ANY small amount of sugar absorbed by the plaque bacteria will mean that there will be acid production in the mouth. Eventually, after up to an hour, your saliva will neutralize the acids and prevent further damage. A similar amount of damage is caused by eating a whole bar of chocolate as by eating just one square. The worst mistake is to spread out the treats over time!

As we know, sugars are notoriously addictive. Once you have them, then your blood sugar peaks followed by a rebound “sugar low.” So you start to crave for more. It becomes an obsession. It’s becomes a vicious cycle. We therefore tend to favour frequent snacks. As far as teeth are concerned, it’s actually better to Binge and be done with it in one go!
Well, now I am going to give you my Secret to Success for our families.

The Shopping Basket!!
Yes, you read that right… Try to fill the shopping basket with foods which do not have added sugars. Such high glycaemic index foods cause spikes and troughs in blood sugar levels. Read the labels… there are lots of foods with hidden sugar! I know it is easier said than done. There will be protests! But if it’s in the house, it will be found! Stick to your guns and believe it or not, hunger will gradually bring a change in dietary habits. It may take a couple of weeks of enduring complaints but it will pay off. It is true that all of the foods that are classified as “carbohydrates” have some form of sugar and as such can contribute to decay but the right kinds of carbohydrates release their sugars more gradually and thus do not cause such blood sugar peaks and troughs and resulting cravings! Therefore there will be less tendency to snack and graze throughout the day and ultimately less decay!!!
Bright healthy smiles for all the family! Yippee!

Now, I know that it is almost impossible to prevent our kids from having sweets. Neither do we want to be the home that our children’s friends do not want to visit because it’s a no treat home! But we must still restrict easy access to those sugars. Maybe have just one day a week as a Treat Day! Or better still, bring the children out to the shop for a treat. Just try not to have treats in the house. It’s too easy to give in to the demands. Anything for an easier life!!! But it’s only easier in the short term.

What about brushing?
Well yes, it can help. The less plaque, the less acid. But no one manages to get an A+ for brushing every day! Restricting sugar exposure is far more beneficial.
What about chewing gum?
Yes! Sugar free gum stimulates more saliva. And it’s the saliva that can neutralize the acid so the damage can be reduced. But the chewing gum is only beneficial immediately after eating sugars especially during that initial 20 minutes.

Halloween is fast approaching and our homes are going to be loaded with those processed sugars. It’s not realistic to expect abstinence! Just keep in mind that it is the frequency that matters. Let them enjoy it but do not allow them to graze on sweets for several days. The excessive abundance needs to be controlled. Stick to your one treat day each week.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Other parents will admire the lead and the example you set. We need to change our attitudes to the high sugar diets of modern life. Healthy bodies and healthy smiles depend on it.

Good food. Better health. Best life. Or in the dental world we say it as… “Less sugar… better teeth… best smile”
If in doubt, you know where we are. Happy Halloween!

Padma Shunmuganathan

Nothing to fear but fear itself – Advice for nervous patients

As a dental nurse, part of my everyday life is to help people who are nervous. Unfortunately, like death and taxes, dental work is certain in our everyday lives. For some people, the thought of walking into a dental practice would be as unthinkable as building a rocket to the moon. Pain however, will get the best of all of us, and we often see weary faces enter the clinic doors, patients suffering some pain or discomfort.

Faced with the task of removing that discomfort, I have had to learn to think outside the box in many situations. A smiling face and scented candle can only take you so far. So low and behold, please find below the best advice I can offer to those of you who lie awake for days if not weeks dreading coming to see me and experience my cheery disposition.

Number one, don’t think about it.

This sounds easier said than done, but, if most people could train their minds to not think about the dentist as much as they can train their minds to ignore the reoccurring tooth pain they have had on and off for several years, you will find anything is possible when you really try.

When we focus our attention on all of the negative aspects of coming to the dentist, the noisy drills, the clinical smell, the numb lip, it can strike fear in hearts of the bravest of people.

Therefore, the most simple and straightforward advice I can give you is to simply not think about it.

Do not analyse it. Do not talk to everyone you know about your upcoming appointment this Tuesday at 1:15. Do not think of the million treatments you will have to get done and how you are sure as soon as you sit in the dental chair all of your teeth will magically begin to fall out. Schedule the appointment and forget about it. Simple.

Number two, don’t forget to breathe. People look at me strangely when I say this to them, but you will be surprised just how many people manage to hold their breath as soon as they enter the clinic until they leave. So much so, they could give an olympic swimmer a run for their money.

When we are faced with a scary situation, our body’s reaction is to release adrenaline in preparation for a life threatening event. In previous times, this is what allowed us to kill woolly mammoths and survive. Dentists however aren’t going to murder you, even if you are convinced they are secretly plotting to do so.

This adrenaline, races through our bodies, it makes us become tense, on high alert, listening to every small noise. It also makes us forget to breathe, and therefore the panic lasts longer becoming a vicious circle.

If we try to relax (even if it feels against our best judgement) and take some deep breaths, the effects of the adrenaline will begin to wear away. This in turn, believe it or not will allow the body – muscles, joints, nervous system to relax.

From experience, I understand asking you to participate in an impromtu yoga class while sitting in a waiting room doesn’t sound extremely appealing, but I can promise you that when your body is more relaxed the injections are easier.

People who love coming to the dentist ( they are a rare species) will back me up on this, they take them in their stride.

Number three, eat breakfast always.

As one of my favourite writers, Laura Jane Williams says; you would never send a child into school without a good nights sleep and a decent breakfast to get them through their day, so why would you treat yourself any different?

As adults, we become so occupied with how busy we are, that we forget to be kind to ourselves. If you have been dreading the dentist for several weeks and arrive to the practice tired, stressed and a bundle of nerves I can assure you the experience will seem one hundred times worse on an empty stomach.

Therefore, I cannot recommend highly enough to eat something before leaving your house, it can be ice-cream if it makes you happy, but I will promise you, fainting in the dental chair due to low blood sugar is not something you want to add to your list of to-dos nor mine. The other patients will not thank you for the delay in their busy schedules.

Number four, if all else fails, ask about sedation.

Sedation is the magical wand that can wipe away the most dental phobic of all dental phobias.

No, you are not “knocked out” as people would usually request, but you are very very sleepy.

The majority of the time you will not remember anything after drinking the sedation, but you will wake up happy knowing the dreaded dental visit has come and gone while you were blissfully sleeping, kind of like an adult version of Santa Claus.

The downside to this is you cannot be trusted for the rest of the day. You must have an chaperone to bring you home, tuck you in and make you dinner. No emails, no cooking, no school run and no, no excuses or exceptions. That’s the trade, abide by the rules. But for the most terrified of humans it is the saving grace of their oral health and also makes us dental people’s lives that tiny bit easier.

We don’t enjoy going home at the end of the day feeling like we have worried or upset people.

We are human too. So, if numbers one, two and three have all failed ask your dentist or nurse about number four. If they don’t offer sedation, ask them to refer you to someone who does.

Make your life easy, it is worth it, I promise.

Chelsey Mates

Importance Of 13 Point Dental Health Checks For Patients Near Dublin18.

This month is oral cancer awareness Month, so book your check-ups now.

We cannot stress the importance of regular dental check-ups enough. With our 13-point health checks we are able to perform a thorough, yet quick and painless, examination of the teeth, tongue and gums, to look for any warning signs of developing dental health problems and check for any changes in the mouth. Any changes that we do notice will be recorded in your notes.

As part of our 13 point checks, we look out for potential signs of oral cancer, which is also known as the silent killer. Often, patients are unaware of the symptoms of this deadly disease and sadly, this means that cases go undiagnosed until an advanced stage. With our checks, we are able to look for symptoms on a regular basis and this means that cases can be diagnosed early when the chances of successful treatment are much higher.

Oral cancer screening

This month is Mouth Cancer Awareness Month and the Dublin18 Dental Care team is urging patients to arrange regular dental checks and take advantage of oral cancer screening. We are delighted to be supporting such a worthy campaign and we will be on hand to offer screening tests and to talk to patients about oral cancer.

Symptoms of mouth cancer include abnormal lumps or swelling in the mouth or throat, red or white patches of tissue in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, a persistent sore throat and ulcers that take a long time to heal. If you have a mouth ulcer, this is usually nothing to worry about, but if you’ve had it for more than 2 weeks, it’s a good idea to get it checked out just to be on the safe side.

How often should I have a check-up?

We recommend 6 monthly check-ups for adults and children. We offer flexible appointment times and we are happy to see members of the same family together for greater convenience. If you’re due a check-up, now is the time to call and book your appointment!


Importance Of Hygienist Visit At Dublin18 Dental Care For Patients Near Seapoint

Our dental hygienists are an integral part of the team and we strongly recommend their services to all our patients. Our hygienists have expertise in providing preventative treatments and they also work tirelessly along with our dentists to manage cases of gum disease.

Why are hygienist visits so important?

Good dental hygiene forms the basis for healthy teeth and gums and our hygienists provide a wide range of really effective treatments and services, including cleaning treatments, such as scale and polish, gum disease prevention and treatment, preventative services for children and oral health information and advice.

Prevention is always better than cure and studies have shown that gum disease can have a very serious impact on general health, as well as oral health. Studies have shown that the bacteria associated with gum disease can contribute to potentially serious health complications, including an increased risk of heart disease and strokes. This is because bacteria can travel around the body in the bloodstream.

What are the benefits of going to a dental hygienist?

Seeing a dental hygienist on a regular basis will not just reduce your risk of developing oral diseases, including decay and gum disease, but it will also boost your general health and ensure your teeth look bright and white and feel lovely and smooth. Dental hygienists can also help patients to tackle bad breath and they are able to offer advice about diet, oral hygiene at home and giving up smoking.

We recommend seeing a dental hygienist once a year if you have good oral health and more frequently if you suffer from problems such as bad breath or gum disease. Call the practice or pop in to find out more and book an appointment.

Children’s Check Ups And Cleanings For Summer Just €60 Near Stillorgan At Dublin18 Dental Care

The summer holidays are fast approaching and now is the perfect time to book your child’s check-up before you head off on holiday! We are offering a special price of just 60 Euros for a check-up and cleaning treatment to ensure your little ones start the holidays with strong, healthy and gleaming smiles!

Children’s dental care at Dublin18 Dental Care

At Dublin18 Dental Care we are eager to emphasise the importance of good dental care for all the family and we love to welcome children to the surgery. Many dental problems are preventable and we do everything we can to help all our patients, young and old, to enjoy beautiful, bright smiles and strong and healthy teeth and gums.

We offer family appointments and we encourage parents to bring children in for regular check-ups from the age of 12 months. Ideally, we recommend seeing a dentist every 6 months.

Check-ups are really important for children because they enable us to identify potential problems at an early stage and keep an eye on the child’s dental development. Often, early intervention is the best policy and this is why seeing a dentist regularly is so important. Decay can cause children pain and discomfort, which may make them unhappy and emotional and affect their concentration at school; we can treat the early signs of decay before the problem gets worse and offer advice about preventing cavities in the future. We can also look out for problems with the alignment and positioning of the teeth, which may require orthodontic treatment.

Book your summer check-up now!

The summer term is drawing to a close and it’s a perfect time to book your child’s next check-up, especially if you are heading abroad for holidays. Book now by calling our friendly reception team, or pop in and visit us, to take advantage of our amazing check-up and cleaning offer!

Looking For Oral Hygiene Products? We Provide The Full Range At Dublin18 Dental Care For Patients Near Stillorgan

As well as offering a wide range of dental services, we also offer an array of dental products and facial treatments to keep your smile looking radiant and give your skin an indulgent boost.

Oral hygiene products

We stock a range of brushes to suit patients with different needs, including the Oral B Triumph 5000 and Tepe soft adult toothbrushes. We also stock Tepe inter-dental brushes, Duraphat toothpaste, Flouriguard alcohol-free mouthwash and CB12 treatment for patients with halitosis.

Skincare products

We also offer Restylane skincare products to refresh and rejuvenate the skin. Restylane is a filler treatment, which uses substances found naturally in the body to give the skin a youthful glow. The skincare products have been specially developed to revive tired skin and smooth the complexion.

Whitening products

We provide tooth whitening syringes to give your smile a beautiful, healthy glow. Our products are sold in line with EU regulation and are part of home whitening treatment, which enables you to enjoy the benefits of professional whitening treatment at home.

If you are interested in buying products or finding out more, ask our team for details.

Choosing the right oral hygiene products

There are so many different types of toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash and floss available today that it can be tricky to know which products to choose. If you are having difficulties or you would appreciate advice, our dentists and dental hygienists will be happy to help. They can make recommendations based on your oral health status and your individual needs. We also have a range of products on-site to save you time.











Halitosis – Treatment Can Be Provided For Our Patients Suffering With This Problem For Patients From Foxrock At Dublin18 Dental Care

Halitosis is the medical name given to bad breath, a very common problem. Bad breath affects most people from time to time, but persistent bad breath can indicate an underlying oral health issue and we advise patients who suffer from this issue to arrange an appointment. We provide excellent treatments for bad breath, which will also help to reduce the risk of decay and gum disease and ensure that the teeth look healthy and clean. Our expert dental team has experience in caring for patients with bad breath and there is nothing to worry or feel ashamed about.

What causes bad breath?

There are many things that can cause bad breath, from eating strong flavours and drinking certain beverages on a regular basis, to poor oral hygiene and smoking. If you find that you get bad breath when you eat or drink specific foods, such coffee or onions, there is probably nothing to worry about and you may find it beneficial to carry sugar-free chewing gum with you. If you suffer from persistent bad breath, this may be linked to oral hygiene.

When you brush your teeth, this plays a very important role in cleansing the mouth and removing harmful bacteria. When you eat, bacteria in your mouth start to feed and this causes them to let off gases, which smell unpleasant; cleaning your mouth helps to prevent this from happening.

Smoking is a common cause of bad breath. If you would like advice about giving up smoking, our dentists and dental hygienists are always on hand.

What we can do for patients in Foxrock

We recommend regular dental checks and dental hygiene sessions for patients with halitosis. Dental hygienists provide cleaning treatments, which achieve a much deeper clean than brushing at home and this helps to remove bacteria and plaque from the mouth and give the teeth a glossy, smooth finish. We can also offer advice about oral hygiene at home, including brushing and flossing tips.

The Importance Of Hygiene Visits For Both Adults And Children At Our Dental Clinic In Deansgrange

We pride ourselves on promoting good oral health and helping our clients to achieve healthy, beautiful smiles and we are delighted to offer a range of hygiene services. Our expert dental hygienists are an integral part of the Dublin18 team and we encourage adults and children to attend regular hygienist appointments to boost oral health and keep gum disease and cavities at bay.

What do hygienists do and how could I benefit from hygiene sessions?

Dental hygienists are experts in oral hygiene; they are trained to provide a range of hygiene services, including cleaning treatments and fresh breath treatment, as well as preventative services, such as sealant treatment and fluoride varnish, and advice about oral hygiene, healthy eating and oral health and quitting smoking.

Seeing a hygienist has many benefits; cleaning treatments help to remove bacteria and plaque from the mouth, which lowers the risk of gum disease, bad breath and decay and removes surface stains, giving the teeth a lovely, healthy sheen.

The mouth is often considered as a window to the body and numerous studies have now established a link between oral and general health; regular hygiene sessions reduce the risk of gum disease, which in turn, lowers the risk of serious illnesses, including heart disease and strokes.

Children can benefit from seeing a hygienist for preventative treatments, which help to protect the teeth from cavities.

How much do hygiene treatment sessions cost?

A 20 minute session with a dental hygienist costs €50 and a 30 minute session costs €68.

Call us today to book your next appointment at our dental clinic in Deansgrange!




Hygienist Visits For All The Family Near Glenageary

Dental hygiene is the foundation of good oral health and we actively promote hygiene treatments and good oral hygiene at home. Our expert hygienists provide a comprehensive range of services, including cleaning treatments, advice about oral hygiene and nutrition and preventative dental services.

Why would I visit a dental hygienist?

In some cases you may be advised to see a dental hygienist by your dentist but you can also make appointments without a referral. Many patients enjoy the feeling of an intensive cleaning treatment and hygiene sessions help to reduce the risk of decay and gum disease. If you have symptoms of gum disease, you have been diagnosed with gum disease and you suffer from bad breath, your dentist will work with the dental hygienist to arrange your treatment plan and you will be advised to attend regular hygiene sessions. The aim of cleaning treatments is to remove plaque, tartar and bacteria from the mouth and reduce the risk of infection.

Dental hygiene for all the family

The whole family can benefit from a visit to the dental hygienist. Our hygienists provide preventative treatments for children and cleaning treatments for adults, which leave the teeth gleaming and glossy and the breath fresh and clean. Our hygienists can also offer advice about choosing oral hygiene products, flossing and brushing, healthy eating and giving up smoking.

If you would like to find out more about our dental hygiene services, call us today at Dublin18 Dental Care near Glenageary!

Importance Of Regular Check Ups For Back To School Children Near Donnybrook

We strongly recommend regular dental check-ups for all our patients, including children. Dental checks are really important for children because their mouths change quickly over a short space of time. It is beneficial for dentists to monitor these changes and check for early warning signs of decay and orthodontic problems.

What happens during a check-up?

Check-ups are quick and simple and there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Our team at Dublin18 Dental Care near Donnybrook has many years of experience in treating patients of all ages and they do everything they can to make going to the dentist fun for children. We understand that the surgery can be a scary place for young patients and we go the extra mile to make the experience enjoyable and stress-free.

During a check up, a dentist will examine the child’s mouth thoroughly, take a look at their tongue, gums and cheeks and check their teeth. Your child’s notes will contain information about the development of their teeth and notes about any potential problems or changes in the mouth; each check-up will be recorded and any changes will be jotted down.

If your child needs further treatment after a check-up a follow-up appointment will be scheduled; if their teeth are fine, another check-up will be arranged for 6 months time.

Why are check-ups important for children?

Check-ups are very important for children because they allow dentists to monitor the child’s oral health and identify any problems as early as possible; this means that issues can be addressed before they get to the stage where they could cause the child pain and discomfort. Taking a child to the dentist on a regular basis from an early age allows them to get used to the sights and sounds of the dental practice and increases their chance of enjoying good oral health.