Correcting misaligned teeth provides more than just a lovely smile. The health benefits that Invisalign Dublin treatment delivers affects the whole body. Very often misaligned teeth cause the upper and lower dentures to either come over the bottom teeth or for the lower teeth to come over the top teeth. Either way the teeth are prevented from meeting. These two conditions alone can result in the inability to chew food properly. Misaligned teeth can also cause pockets to occur between the gums and the teeth allowing harmful bacteria to develop especially in those hard to reach areas.

A twentieth century treatment for the modern era!
For decades the accepted treatment for misaligned teeth was a cumbersome and uncomfortable metal brace device. That particular device has undergone major improvements and is still used today but in a much more refined and comfortable form. Invisalign Dublin has helped the orthodontic profession to develop a different model to treat misaligned teeth. It’s more than just the personal dental appliance that is produced. The hardware and software that has been invented to run with Invisalign Dublin is extremely impressive. The use of algorithms which identify the most optimal way to move a patient’s teeth to get the best results, is revolutionary in itself. The Itero scanner which can produce up to six thousand images a second of the interior of a patient’s mouth allows the dentist to have a 3D image which gives a clear and defined view. This amazing piece of twenty-first century equipment also gives a patient the chance to see a virtual image of what their teeth will look like after treatment even before treatment has commenced. The clincheck system also allows the dentist to work out in the finest detail how much each aligner must move a patient’s teeth, everything is calculated accurately.
Revolutionary appliance
Traditional braces normally attach to the teeth using blocks, wires and bands, they can be fitted to the front or back of the teeth. Invisalign uses a series of gumshield-like aligners, each with a slightly different orientation, designed to gradually move a patient’s teeth into the desired position. The aligners fit over the teeth unlike braces which attach to the teeth. The term used for these aligners is “trays” and they are made from a clear dental material which makes them far less conspicuous than the traditional dental brace.
Treatment duration
The duration of the Invisalign treatment is dependent on the condition being treated and the severity of that condition and can be anywhere from twelve months to two years. The aligners must be worn for at least twenty two hours per day to be effective. They can be removed to eat and drink and to brush and floss teeth. On average every four weeks a new aligner is fitted and the dentist can monitor the progress using Invisaligns software.
Final treatment
At the end of the treatment it is necessary to wear one final aligner to allow the teeth to settle into their new position. It is recommended to wear this final retainer for a minimum of six months but you can enjoy your lovely smile by removing the retainer as long as you remember to replace it. If this is a treatment which may be for you contact us at Dublin 18 Dental Rooms today!