Category: general dentistry

Put sensitive teeth in their place with a little help from Dublin18 Dental Care

Teeth can become sensitive when the tooth enamel erodes and the nerves become exposed. This can result from incorrect brushing technique, when bristles are too hard or even as a side-effect of whitening treatments. Tooth erosion may also be caused by sugars and acidic foods, some medications, poor oral hygiene and teeth grinding (bruxism).

Symptoms of tooth sensitivity

Patients with sensitive teeth feel pain when drinking and eating hot or cold foods; even breathing cold or hot air can trigger tooth pain. The pain is experienced because the dentin below the worn enamel surface is eroded, leaving the nerves exposed. This kind of sensitivity can impact daily routine and leave people disgruntled.

Treatment for sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth can be treated with toothpastes that have desensitising agents, such as Sensodyne and other sensitive teeth toothpastes. There are also certain mouthwashes which help to reduce sensitivity; however, these products are unable to replace worn enamel, so it is always best to adopt a preventative stance where possible.

A trip to Dublin18 Dental Care can be of assistance if you are currently having issues with sensitive teeth. The dental team will be able to assess your teeth and decide upon a diagnosis. Whether the issue is caused by poor dental health or diet, bruxism or related health conditions, we will be able to provide advice and treatment where applicable.

Preventing sensitive teeth

We believe that prevention is always better than having to find a cure. It will prevent pain in the first instance and also save you money. It is advised to follow a good oral hygiene routine, limit intake of sugar and acidic foods, check your toothbrush’s bristles are soft, be gentle when brushing your teeth and to attend regular dental check-ups to ensure underlying conditions are diagnosed and treated quickly.

Patients from Foxrock don’t need to fear a visit to Dublin18 Dental Care

It is well documented that many people feel anxious about going to the dentist. The very idea of sitting in a waiting room surrounded by the sights and sounds of the surgery can often be daunting, so much so that it can cause people to avoid the dentist altogether. At Dublin18 Dental Care near Foxrock we understand that a visit to the dentist is not everyone’s idea of fun, but we will do all we can to make it a positive and relaxing experience.

Why do you feel nervous?

There are a myriad of reasons why people from Foxrock and around Ireland experience dental phobia or anxiousness. You may have had a negative experience in the past, be worried that there is a severe underlying problem or it may be a fear of needles or dental instruments that keeps you away. Rest assured that you are not alone and we can help you overcome your fears.

Distraction techniques

If you feel butterflies in your stomach and suffer from nerves when you think about going to see the dentist, try to distract yourself and think positively. At Dublin18 Dental Care we aim to provide techniques to help our patients feel relaxed when they come into the practice, and we invite all clients to take a moment and relax in their surroundings. We will never pressurise you and will always be on hand to provide reassurance and advice.

Speak to the dentist

If you suffer from anxiety or dental phobia feel free to inform us.  We take pride at Dublin18 Dental Care in caring for all our patients needs. We can offer nervous patients sedation to help alleviate the fear of your visit or we can simply talk you through every step of the way to ensure you are comfortable to proceed with treatment.

Once you have come into the practice and grown accustomed to your surroundings, we can then help you get the dental treatment you deserve.

Introducing your child to Dublin18 Dental Care in South Dublin

Most adults feel a degree of trepidation when confronted by a trip to the dentist. For children this fright can be even more intensified on their first visit, especially when greeted with the noise of the dentist drill. At Dublin18 Dental Care, South Dublin we aim to promote good oral health habits for children. Taking your child to the dentist from an early age is essential if your child is to be comfortable in dental surroundings and in control of their oral health.

Why are dental check-ups important for children?

Recent statistics suggest a rise in the number of children with tooth decay. This can be related to issues such as diet, especially fizzy drinks and other sugary snacks, lack of dental education and poor oral hygiene. Tooth decay can lead to the possible development of pain and discomfort, and could even have an effect on your child’s confidence and self-esteem.

We recommend parents bring their child into the practice as soon as possible. This can even be done during one of your own appointments, so children can grow used to the sights, sounds and smells of the practice. This also encourages a friendly relationship with the dentist.

Tips for parents

Try to make a trip to the dentist fun by playing games, reading stories about going to the dentist and talking to them about what will happen. It is also important to set a good example and maintain your own dental check-ups. If your child doesn’t like brushing their teeth, try to make it fun by telling stories, or there are also fun dental health products with amusing characters to make the process more enjoyable.

We are happy to help your little ones feel at home when they visit our practice. Our team at Dublin18 Dental Care are friendly and happy to take time out so your child can become acquainted with their surroundings.

Dublin18 Dental Care inform patients from Dundrum about the dangers of Easter eggs

We all like a bit of chocolate. There’s no denying that. And we’re sure everyone will expect dentists to be killjoys when it comes to the topic of Easter eggs, but the fact is that eating a small amount of chocolate or sweet treats during the holidays is no problem at all – provided that you take care of your teeth by means of good oral health maintenance. This is important for children and adults alike, especially those with a particular liking for chocolate treats.

Adults should keep up with a good oral hygiene routine; brushing teeth, using mouthwash and don’t forget flossing. Sugar-free chewing gum can also prove a valuable asset after you have finished eating all those chocolate eggs. It helps to remove debris from around the mouth and aids in the production of saliva. This is vital to the removal of plaque and other bacteria in the mouth – though it is always best to go sugar-free.

Children also need to keep up with a good oral health routine, especially as their teeth are likely to come under attack from more sugar than normal. If your child is old enough then chewing gum can once again prove beneficial.

Sugar-free Easter eggs may not sound fun, but they do actually taste great and still give you that chocolate fix. What’s more they make sure that your teeth are not coming under constant attack from potentially damaging bacteria.

If you do partake in some munching of Easter eggs over the break, which we are sure many of you will do, please stick to a good dental health routine and don’t overdo it. And don’t forget that Dublin18 Dental Care near Dundrum is always here to help.

Pain-Free Dentistry in Dublin is a Must for Dublin18 Dental Care Patients

Going to the dentist for regular check-ups is an important part of keeping in good health. It can help maintain your teeth and nip developing problems in the bud. Many people, however, are scared to visit the dentist because they associate the dentist with pain. There are now many new methods available from Dublin18 Dental Care, Dublin to help ease dental anxiety, all of which can be discussed with your dentist on the day of your visit or on the phone prior to your appointment.

Local anaesthetic

Pain free dentistry is no longer an optional “extra.” If your dentist feels that you may experience pain during any procedure, your mouth will be numbed first. Your dentist will use the precise amount of anaesthetic required and check that everything is okay periodically throughout the procedure. If you experience any discomfort the amount of anaesthetic can be adjusted. Communication is essential to a happy visit to the dentist.  At Dublin18 Dental Care we strive to ensure our patients are in control at all times and we endeavour to make it a pleasant experience.

It may sound a little extreme but some people find it impossible to sit through any kind of dental procedure. This means that it is necessary to sedate them so that they don’t experience it at all. Some people only require sedation during certain procedures or simply to ease their phobia. Sedation can be administered orally and helps our patients relax which eases their fear of dental treatment.

Oral Cancer Screenings at Dublin18 Dental Care is a Must for Patients from Dundrum

Oral cancer does not generate the same headlines as some other forms of the disease, such as lung cancer or breast cancer, and many people are under the misapprehension that because it does not affect any of the vital organs it is not as deadly. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, oral cancer – which covers cancers of the mouth and throat – is one of the most dangerous types of the disease, with early detection and treatment essential if the patient is to survive.

Part of a routine check-up at Dublin18 Dental Care for clients from Dundrum and neighbouring areas includes a check for any signs of oral cancer. Often these signs can be very small and subtle with no symptoms that the patient is able to notice. This is just yet one more reason why attending regular check-ups at Dublin18 Dental Care is so important. Yes, it might save a few of your teeth but it could also save your life.

Research has found that there are some things that can increase a person’s risk of developing oral cancer; smoking and drinking damage the cells in the mouth leaving them open to attack from the condition while unprotected sexual contact can also be a factor.

Early symptoms are often mistaken for general issues with oral health; bleeding from the mouth or gums, ulcers and a general feeling of soreness. If you experience any of these symptoms, it would be wise to make an appointment with Dublin18 Dental Care to check if there is anything to worry about. Early detection is so important and you shouldn’t worry that you are wasting anyone’s time. Throat cancer, the most serious of the oral cancers, has a survival rate of 90% if the disease is found and treated early; this drops to just 50% if it is not discovered for several months.

Speak to one of the dental staff at Dublin18 Dental Care today if you have any questions or concerns about oral cancer.   We provide free oral cancer screening as part of your 13 point dental health check.  This is important for all patients including patients with full dentures.


Dublin18 Dental Care is Happy to Help Patients from Foxrock Fight Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the most common dental complaints and many adults will suffer from it at some point in their lifetime. Gum disease will not cause any serious long-term oral health problems if it is treated quickly; however, if gum disease is left untreated it can develop into more serious conditions. Dublin18 Dental Care is here to ensure patients from Foxrock and surrounding areas do not have to put up with this problem.

There are two main types of gum disease:


Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums caused by plaque (bacteria that builds up on teeth and around the gums). Gingivitis can develop if this plaque build-up is not removed.


Periodontitis occurs when gingivitis is left untreated.  An excessive build-up of plaque will cause the gums to separate from the teeth, forming ‘pockets’ of space between the gum tissue and the tooth.  Plaque and tartar (a hardened build up of plaque) can build-up in these pockets and prolonged inflammation can destroy the bone tissue that fixes the teeth in place, causing the teeth to become loose and even fall out.

The symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Red, swollen gums.
  • Bleeding gums (noticeable when brushing and/or flossing).

The more serious symptoms associated with periodontitis include:

  • Dark red/purple swollen gums.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Bad breath.
  • Receding gums.
  • Sensitive teeth.
  • Loose teeth and tooth loss.

How is gum disease treated?

Prevention is, of course, the best way to avoid gum disease and you can maintain good oral hygiene by brushing the teeth twice a day and flossing regularly. It is also important to make regular visits to your dentist. Smoking is also one of the biggest causes of plaque build-up, so it is highly recommended that you quit.

If you are diagnosed with gingivitis then your dentist may recommend that you see a dental hygienist. Hygienists assist in the treatment and prevention of oral health problems such as gum disease, and your hygienist will remove the plaque build-up from your teeth through a procedure called ‘scaling’. You may also be prescribed antibiotics or an antiseptic mouthwash.  If you have developed periodontitis then more complicated procedures are required to remove the plaque and tartar from the roots of the teeth. In some cases surgery is required to either remove or strengthen teeth in cases of extensive bone loss.

If you are worried about gum disease make an appointment with Dublin18 Dental Care today.

Dublin18 Dental Care Helps Patients from Monkstown take Care of Their Baby’s Oral Health

Taking good care of your baby’s teeth will help them establish a good oral hygiene routine, which will hopefully stay with them for the rest of their lives. Here is some useful advice for looking after your baby’s teeth:


On average a baby’s first tooth will appear at around 6 months old and, although it sounds early, it is recommended that you register your baby with a dental practice as soon as their first tooth emerges. Dublin18 Dental Care welcomes families from Monkstown and adjacent areas looking to start their good oral health journey.


Use a damp cloth to clean your baby’s gums when their teeth are not yet come through. Then, brushing can begin as soon as your baby’s very first tooth emerges, which will prevent bacteria from building-up on your baby’s teeth and gums, as well as getting them used to the brushing routine. You should use a toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles and you should replace the toothbrush every three months. Brush the front, back and biting surface of their teeth gently, twice a day. It is up to you to brush your baby’s teeth until they are old enough to do it for themselves, or without your assistance. Children should be supervised with tooth brushing until the age of seven.


Using toothpaste will help strengthen your baby’s teeth. Make sure you check the fluoride content first. Children under three should use a low-fluoride toothpaste and you should look for a concentration of ‘1000ppm’ (parts per million) of fluoride. When your baby is old enough, encourage them to spit the toothpaste out once finished brushing. A small smear of toothpaste is enough for children under three.

To make sure your baby’s first smile is a healthy one, register them and the whole family at Dublin18 Dental Care.

Dublin18 Dental Care Helps Patients from Carrickmines Combat a Fear of the Dentist

Many people are afraid of the dentist, or to be more accurate, they are afraid of what they think the dentist is going to do to them. In some cases the fear or phobia is so strong that it stops the sufferer from going to the dentist for many years, meaning that their teeth are in desperate need of attention by the time they summon up the courage to make an appointment.

There are lots of things that you and Dublin18 Dental Care can do to try and alleviate such fears, whether you are coming from Carrickmines or adjoining areas. Ask to take a tour of the clinic ahead of your appointment. Dentists themselves can do a lot to help people get over their fear by having a good “bedside manner” and remaining calm and gentle at all times. Not only does this make the patient feel calm, but the dentist will instantly seem more approachable and the patient more comfortable asking questions that may have bothered them for years. Good communication between patient and dentist is essential at all times.

Simply by calmly talking through everything involved in an appointment, dentists can help to relieve a lot of the fear; for many, dental phobia is a fear of the unknown. People who have not been to the dentist often, or who had a bad experience as a child, will always imagine the worst, but by explaining what is happening dentists can remove the mysterious and scary image and make treatment less frightening.

If you have a fear of the dentist that has stopped you from making an appointment, the staff at Dublin18 Dental Care are happy to help. All our dentists and dental nurses have dealt with nervous patients many times in the past, changing smiles and perceptions of the dentist for the better. The sooner you make an appointment and have your oral health checked, the less likely it is that serious problems will develop with your teeth.

Dublin18 Dental Care Provides Dental Crowns to Patients from Stillorgan

Crowns are a common dental treatment acting as synthetic cover for a natural tooth that has become cracked or chipped. Often this is because of an accident or injury, but sometimes the hard outer shell of a tooth, called the enamel, can break down over time.

A crown is available in different types for patients from Stillorgan. Traditionally crowns were made of porcelain and these are still the most popular, as they offer the most natural-looking results. Some people prefer to get the cheaper, metal crowns, especially if the tooth is in the back of the mouth, but as it is the front teeth that are most likely to get chipped in an accident or when playing sports, porcelain or ceramic crowns are still much in demand. The huge advantage of porcelain crowns for damaged teeth at the front of the mouth is that it is possible to match new tooth to the colour of natural teeth.

We can make this appointment very simple for you.  It involves just one visit.  We make our porcelain cerec crowns on the same day, so no need for you to wait for two weeks with a tempory crown.

Teeth which demonstrate extensive damage can be restored or optically enhanced with all ceramic porcelain crowns.  For this purpose, the outer dimensions of the entire visible area of the tooth are removed and replaced by a tooth-shaded all ceramic cover.

Older restorations that are regarded as ‘unattractive’ can also be given a natural and unobtrusive appearance.