Suffering an accidental injury, resulting in tooth loss and excruciating dental pain, or the sudden onset of unrelenting toothache can be traumatic and debilitating. Inevitably this will happen on the weekend or in the evening when the dentist is normally closed. At our surgery, Dublin 18 Dental Rooms, we have an emergency dentist Dublin to ensure that you are not left on your own. All you have to do is phone our number and follow the advice given. During working hours we will do our best to make sure you are seen on the same day you contact us.

Common dental emergencies
A dental emergency is not always highlighted by a bleeding mouth or broken tooth. A sudden dental pain can be as a result of a number of conditions that may require urgent attention. If the sudden toothache cannot be explained it is often not sensible to take a painkiller, but rather to phone our emergency dentist Dublin number. An abscess can form between the teeth and gums and if there is swelling it is best to phone earlier rather than later. Severe tooth sensitivity could be caused by some recent treatment, again it is advisable to contact the emergency number. One of the more obvious problems to identify as requiring our emergency dentist Dublin is an accident resulting in a tooth becoming dislodged. In this case it is best to retrieve the tooth preferably not handling it with your hand, but in a tissue or handkerchief. If it is possible, try to wash off any dirt with milk, but if none is to hand use saline. As soon as possible place the tooth back into the hole it was dislodged from and bite down gently to hold it in place. Contact our dentist and follow the instructions carefully. There is no definitive set of rules that dictates when a dental emergency is an emergency. If you are suffering from any oral pain either from an accident or any other cause it is best to phone our practice number for the best advice.
Treat dental pain like any other pain
Our body is alert to anything that may not be functioning correctly, much like an early warning system, so there is every reason to seek emergency treatment if you suffer sudden oral pain. If you were to suffer a sudden pain in the chest or anywhere else, the first course of action would be to phone the emergency services. Oral pain is exactly the same as that, a signal from your body to alert you to a problem which should be taken note of and acted upon. It is important to ensure that you maintain a healthy mouth. When your mouth sends out that warning signal you should not delay in seeking the advice of our dental practitioner.
Regular dental maintenance
Of course dental emergencies happen just like any other medical emergency and it is not something that anyone wants to experience. However, to reduce the risk of having to call the emergency dentist, proper regular maintenance of your dental health will help to minimise any potential problems.