Category: dental treatments

Family Dentistry For Patients Near Stillorgan

Dublin18 Dental Care is a family dental practice, which caters for patients of all ages. We have a large number of families on our books and we like to take time to get to know all our patients, young and old.

Dental care for children

Our focus is very much the promotion of good oral health and we recommend regular check-ups for all our patients. We have experience in caring for children and we do everything we can to make going to the dentist a fun experience and not one to dread; we know how important it is for children to feel safe, comfortable and reassured and we go out of our way to create a positive experience, so that children look forward to going for their dental check-up.

As well as general dental treatments, we offer preventative dental care for children; our friendly hygienists offer sealant and fluoride varnish treatment, which help to protect the teeth and reduce the risk of cavities.

General dental care

We offer a full range of general dental treatments, from check-ups and fillings, to hygiene treatments and gum disease treatment and we firmly believe that prevention is better than cure; we encourage 6 monthly check-ups and we are always on hand to offer advice about oral hygiene, healthy eating and nutrition and quitting smoking.

We use the finest materials and the latest technology and techniques and our practice is modern and stylish with a friendly ambience.

We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our practice at Dublin18 Dental Care near Stillorgan!


Innovative Treatment For Missing Teeth For Patients Near Killiney

Tooth loss is a problem for many people, but thankfully, there are some very effective solutions available. One of our most popular treatments for tooth loss is dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are one of the best examples of modern dentistry; they are a long-term replacement for missing teeth and they help to restore the function of the mouth, as well as creating a really attractive, healthy looking smile.

Dental implants are small, screw-like dental devices, which are placed inside pre-drilled holes in the jaw bone. The implants are designed to integrate into the bone and once they have integrated fully, they can be attached to a single crown, a denture or a dental bridge. The idea is that the implant takes the place of the root of the missing tooth.

Dental implants are versatile in that they can anchor different types of restoration; this means that they can replace any number of missing teeth.

Advantages of dental implants

Dental implants are durable and hard-wearing; they last for many years and represent a long-term investment. The implants look and function like natural teeth once they have integrated and been attached to a new restoration and they give people greater confidence and the ability to eat and speak with ease.

Implants are made from titanium, which does not interfere with the bone tissue or the surrounding teeth and they can help to reduce bone loss.

Dental implants are suitable for a wide range of people, including those that have a single missing tooth, those with a few missing teeth and those who require an entire arch of new teeth. Call us today at Dublin18 Dental Care near Killiney to find out more about how implants could transform your smile!






Cerec Crowns While You Wait For Patients Near Ballsbridge

If you thought you had to wait 2 weeks for a new crown, think again! At Dublin18 Dental Care we have Cerec technology and can offer same-day crowns, saving you time and money.

We are one of few dental practices in Ireland to offer Cerec technology. Cerec allows us to design, fabricate and fit new, bespoke restorations on the same day, meaning that you do not need to worry about making multiple dental visits or wearing a temporary crown.

How does Cerec work?

Cerec technology is amazing! It enables us to eliminate the process of waiting for new restorations and speeds up the treatment process. Cerec technology uses computer software to generate sophisticated 3D images of the mouth, which are used to design the new crown; the instructions are then sent to the milling site and the new restoration is manufactured. It can then be fitted straight away, reducing treatment time by up to 2 weeks.

Cerec is beneficial for patients and dentists; dentists have greater control of the design process and the process is more accurate and patients get the treatment they need very quickly without the need for repeat sessions, temporary restorations or multiple injections.

What else can Cerec do?

Cerec can produce a range of bespoke restorations, including crowns, onlays, inlays and veneers. All the restorations we produce are made from the highest quality materials for durability and excellent aesthetics and they are all custom-made for the individual patient. For more information about our Cerec technology please contact the team at Dublin18 Dental Care near Ballsbridge.


Cerec Crowns For Patients Near Dalkley

Accidents can happen when you least expect it, but if you have a broken tooth, do not panic because at Dublin18 Dental Care we provide high quality, same-day crowns. We are one of just 16 dental practices in the whole of Ireland to use the amazing Cerec system, which enables us to produce bespoke crowns and other types of restoration on-site.

About Cerec

Cerec is an amazing form of technology, which enables us to design, make and fit bespoke crowns, inlays, veneers and onlays on the same day. Usually, patients have to wear temporary restorations for around 2 weeks while their permanent restoration is manufactured at a dental laboratory, but we are able to do everything on the same day. Cerec technology uses sophisticated imaging software to convert digital images into 3D models of the teeth. The images are sent to the milling machine and the restorations are manufactured; they are then ready to be fitted.

Cerec has a host of benefits for dentists and patients; the restorations are ready on the same day, there is no need for multiple dental visits or temporary restorations and the results of treatment are visible straight away.

Why would I need a dental crown?

Crowns are a type of restoration, which are used to strengthen the teeth. They help to prevent further damage to the tooth and make it stronger, so that you can eat and bite down on things without any problems. You may need a crown if your tooth is weak as a result of a large cavity or a large filling or damaged as a result of an accident, sports injury or trauma; crowns may also be placed after root canal treatment.

The procedure to fit a crown takes place in 2 stages; first, the tooth must be prepared, which involves removing any damaged or decayed tissue and cleaning the tooth thoroughly. When the tooth is ready, your dentist will take images of your tooth and then Cerec technology will be used to manufacture your bespoke crown; once the crown is ready, your dentist will fit it and check that you are happy with your new crown.

For more information on our Cerec technology please contact the team at Dublin18 Dental care near Dalkley.



Denture Treatments For Missing Teeth For Patients Near Grand Canal Dock

Dentures have been used to replace missing teeth for decades, but if you thought dentures were still bulky, fake-looking and uncomfortable, you may be surprised to learn about the modern dentures we have on offer at Dublin18 Dental Care. Gone are the days of painful false teeth; modern dentures are light, comfortable, functional and they look exactly like natural teeth to give you a great looking, healthy smile.

What are dentures?

Dentures are sets of false teeth; they are designed to replace missing teeth and can be used to replace a small number of teeth or an entire arch and we offer partial and complete dentures. Dentures help to restore function to the mouth and create an attractive smile. They also provide support for your cheeks to prevent them from looking sunken, and they enable you to eat and chew properly.

Types of denture

At Dublin18 Dental Care near Grand Canal Dock, we have many different types of denture on offer, including partial and full acrylic dentures, implant-retained dentures and chrome cobalt dentures. Acrylic dentures are bespoke and they create very natural aesthetics; there is very little chance of them coming loose and they are very comfortable.

Chrome cobalt dentures are made out of metal; they are usually attached to the roof of the mouth and they are recommended for durability and wear. Chrome cobalt dentures are more robust than acrylic dentures and they are considered more comfortable for the tongue.

Implant-retained dentures have become very popular in recent years. These dentures are held in place by dental implants. Dental implants provide maximum support and anchorage for the dentures, giving patients peace of mind that their denture will never come loose and the ability to eat whatever they want.



Missing Teeth Treatment Using Dental Implants For Patients Near Stepaside

Dublin18 Dental Care provides a number of treatments for missing teeth, including dental implants. Dental implants are a long-term solution for missing teeth and they can be used to replace a single missing tooth, a number of missing teeth or an entire arch.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are titanium screws, which are designed to replace the root of the missing tooth. The implants are placed into pre-drilled sockets in the jaw bone and they integrate into the bone over a period of time. Once the implant has settled fully, it can be attached to a new crown, dental bridge or denture and the full function of the mouth will be restored.

The implant procedure

The implant procedure involves two key stages; firstly, the implant is placed and then left to heal and then after a period of time (usually 3-6 months), the new restoration is attached. The placement process involves making an incision in the gum and drilling into the bone to create a socket for the implant; this is done under local anaesthetic to prevent any pain. Once the implant is in place, the incision is closed and the implant is left to integrate into the jaw bone.

Why is it important to replace missing teeth?

There are numerous benefits of replacing missing teeth. Missing teeth affect your ability to eat food properly and speak clearly and they also have a negative impact on the aesthetic of your smile. Empty tooth sockets also tend to attract bacteria, which can increase the risk of gum disease and decay. Losing teeth also affects the overall look of your face, as the teeth have an important role in providing support for your cheeks and lips; if you have a number of missing teeth this can cause your cheeks to appear sunken.

Why choose Dublin18 Dental Care for implant treatment?

At Dublin18 Dental Care near Stepaside we have experience and expertise in placing dental implants and we believe they are an excellent treatment. Dental implants last for many years and they provide excellent aesthetics and functionality. We use the latest technology and techniques to produce amazing results and ensure that all our clients leave with a happy, healthy and confident smile.



Fissure Sealants For Patients Near Deansgrange

Easter has just been celebrated but now that children have lots of chocolate eggs, it could spell trouble for the teeth. Indulging in chocolate eggs is a nightmare for your teeth and gums, so why not consider oral hygiene and preventative treatments for your children? At Dublin18 Dental Care we provide a full range of general dental treatments and preventative treatments and we also have information packs for parents, which provide advice and tips for caring for your child’s oral health.

Preventative dental treatments

Prevention is always better than cure and the good news is that tooth decay and gum disease are both largely preventable. We offer fissure sealant treatment for children which is a safe, quick and completely painless procedure, which protects the teeth helping to reduce the risk of damage and decay. Fissure sealant treatment involves applying sealant over the biting surfaces of the molars. The sealant is set hard using a light source and once it is in place it protects the teeth by preventing plaque and food from getting stuck in the fissures (small cracks) and pits on the surfaces of the teeth.

Sealant treatment takes less than half an hour and there is no pain or discomfort involved.

Easter tips

Everyone loves to tuck into an Easter egg, but there are things you can do to try and reduce the risk of dental problems after Easter. If you are planning to crack open a chocolate egg, try to resist the urge to eat between meals; chocolate is full of sugar and sugary foods cause the bacteria in your mouth to release harmful plaque acids, which attack your tooth enamel. Your teeth can only resist a limited number of acid attacks per day and as they will already be under attack at mealtimes, avoiding snacking will help to keep the number of attacks down. Always remember to wait around one hour after eating to brush your teeth, as the enamel is softer after you eat and brushing during this time can cause damage. If you would like more information about looking after you and your families’ teeth, why not contact the team at Dublin18 Dental Care near Deansgrange.




Implants for Patients near Bray

Tooth loss is an issue for many adults, but we are happy to say that we have an effective solution: dental implants.

Replacing missing teeth is always advisable because the teeth have a number of important roles, such as chewing and breaking down food, forming sounds and letters, providing support for the cheeks and ensuring you have a healthy, beautiful smile. Without teeth you may find it difficult to eat properly, speak clearly and feel confident when you smile, but dental implants can help. Implants are a revolutionary dental treatment which will make you feel and look like you’ve still got all your natural teeth.

What are dental implants?

They are small screw-like devices which are fixed into pre-drilled sockets in the jaw bone in order to mimic the root portion of a missing tooth. Titanium is used to create implants because the material is able to integrate with the bone tissue without causing any problems with the neighbouring teeth or the gums. Once the implant has healed and joined with the bone tissue, a restoration can be attached and the tooth will look like a natural tooth.

Dental implant treatment is suitable for cases where patients have a single missing tooth or a number of missing teeth. They can be attached to dental crowns, a dental bridge or a denture.

What are the advantages?

The treatment offers the best of both worlds in terms of function and smile aesthetics. The teeth will look and function just like natural teeth, implants last for many years and they also help to reduce bone loss. This process is beneficial for patients of all ages and can be used to replace a single tooth or a number of teeth.

Dental implants are not cheap but they are a worthwhile long-term investment. We also offer finance options to help you spread the cost of treatment at Dublin18 Dental Care near Bray.





Root Canal Treatments on Molar Teeth for Patients near Stepaside

Root canal treatment is a relatively common but important dental procedure. In many cases, the complex procedure can save a tooth that is decayed or damaged.

What is root canal treatment?

It is a procedure recommended for cases where teeth have become infected and the infection has reached the pulp chamber (‘living’ tissue of the tooth which contains the nerves and blood vessels). Once the pulp becomes infected with bacteria the tooth effectively starts to die. Root canal treatment is a means of saving the tooth and is often a preferred alternative to tooth extraction.

What does the procedure involve?

The procedure involves removing the infected pulp tissue from the tooth.   Your dentist will access the pulp chambers thought the crown of the tooth.  Once all the decayed pulp has been removed, the tooth will be cleaned thoroughly and the root canals sealed with filling material. This is done to prevent the infection from spreading further.

Many people have a new crown fitted after root canal treatment, as these work to strengthen the teeth and improve the aesthetics of the smile.

Benefits of root canal treatment

Tooth loss has far-reaching implications. As well as affecting the look of your smile, which can negatively affect your confidence and self-esteem, tooth loss can also cause problems relating to everyday life. You may find it difficult to chew and break down food properly, and there may also be some adverse changes to your speech.  You can be left with a gap which is not aesthetically pleasing and you may have to consider some expensive alternatives to fill this space, i.e. bridges or implants.

The teeth also play an important role in supporting the cheeks and lips. If you lose teeth you may find that your cheeks start to appear sunken.

The procedure may seem a little daunting, but it is not as bad as it sounds when in capable hands and we provide anaesthetic to prevent any discomfort. At Dublin18 Dental Care near Stepaside we are happy to discuss the options with you.




Dental Emergencies for Patients near Ballsbridge

Dental emergencies can happen at any time, in any place and, often, when you’re least expecting it. Thankfully, we are always on hand to help through our emergency dental service, which is available out of hours and there are also urgent appointments available during office hours.

About dental emergencies

You may be involved in an accident, you may suddenly chip your tooth or you may find that pain you have been experiencing for a while suddenly becomes severe and intolerable. Whatever the emergency, we are here to help. You can contact us during office hours or out of hours to get emergency dental care.

Common examples of dental injuries include chipped and fractured teeth, a dislodged tooth, jaw fracture, dental abscesses and severe tooth pain.

When should I seek help?

Some dental emergencies require urgent attention, while others may not be quite so serious. In any case, if you are suffering from pain or you think you may have sustained a dental injury, get in touch with our team and we will do our best to see you as soon as possible.

If you have had a tooth knocked out we may be able to save the tooth; if you are able to find it you can try to re-implant the tooth into the tooth socket. If this does not work store the tooth in a glass of milk and arrange to see a dentist as soon as possible; avoid touching the root if you handle the tooth.

If you have suffered a jaw injury and it is causing you severe pain, you can also visit your local Accident and Emergency department.

If you have been suffering from dental pain and it suddenly becomes worse, do not hesitate to contact us. When tooth pain is present it is advisable to see your dentist, as these problems tend to get worse. We can treat the problem early to prevent you from experiencing unnecessary pain.

Dublin18 Dental Care near Ballsbridge provides emergency dental appointments for patients and those who are not registered with the practice. If you leave a message with your contact details we will be in touch as soon as possible in order to arrange an appointment.